If you are dissatisfied with the product purchased through our website, you have a 30-day window from the date of delivery to initiate a return or request an exchange for a different size or color. We offer free returns in certain cases.


To facilitate size or color exchanges, please follow these steps:

  1. Initiate a return by sending the product back to our warehouse along with your full name, email, and order number to ensure proper identification.

  2. Ensure that both the product and its packaging are in perfect condition, without any damage or modifications after delivery. Include all documentation and accessories that accompanied the product.

  3. Orders that included a promotional or gift item may only be returned in their entirety.

Important: If you choose to return a product that is neither damaged nor incorrect in size, you will be responsible for covering the shipping costs to process the refund. Please make sure to carefully review the size chart we provide to all visitors, available in a dedicated tab in the menu of our website or, in many cases, directly on the product page. A link will direct you to this size chart to help you make the best choice.

Once we receive your return at Cyclist's Corner, we will contact you to facilitate the exchange. For information on the return address and procedure, please contact us at info@cyclistcorner.com.


Refunded Returns Upon receiving and inspecting your return, we will send you an email to confirm its receipt and inform you of the approval or rejection of your refund.

Once confirmed that the product is in the same condition as when it was sent, the refund will be processed. The refunded amount will be less the return costs and will be refunded via bank transfer or the payment method determined by Cyclist's Corner at the time of the transaction.

If you have not received your refund, please first check your bank account. Then, contact your credit card company, as there may be a delay before the refund is officially posted. If you have followed these steps and still have not received the refund, please reach out to us at info@cyclistcorner.com.
